WE DID IT! We worked out 5 days a week for twelve weeks and lived to blog the tale!
Thursday was our last day with our trainer, Nicole Peel. We assembled in the lobby and she said, "Let's end by doing a 5k walk-jog."
So here's the crazy part: after 12 weeks I was like, "Ok." Seriously, if she hadn't killed us yet, what were the odds this would do us in? So off we hoofed from the Y heading west towards Forest Park. We walked, jogged, (more walking than jogging) laughed, and did just fine.
On our way home I said, "There is one activity we could beat Nicole in." All quietly looked at me with anticipation amidst labored breathing. "Teeter totter..."
I think Nicole will actually miss us, if for no other reason: comic relief.
According to our collective MyFitnessPal app the weight loss results since Jan. 9th are:
Dave -30 lbs!
Chad -11 lbs
Morgan -13 lbs
(I've lost 30 altogether since the fall)
What did I learn in 12 weeks?
- You can teach an old out-of-shape dog new tricks.
- You need someone who knows what you don't (Nicole Peel)
- You need some Hombres; people to do it with you (Dave Dubois, Chad McCarter)
- Humility is key. Humble yourself to a trainer, to each other, and to the reality that you and your body are where you are. Every day in the gym is humbling.
- If I can learn to workout, ANYONE can!
- I like it. I like working out more than sloth. It's good for my soul and my self worth and for those who love me.
- It's holistic; it's nutritional and physical. Dr. Haendigas + a workout program (+ God) = health
- The costs for nutrition & working out outweigh the future costs of debilitating health
- There is no cultural divide in the gym. We are all just humans in shorts & Ts sweating, trying to get better
CONTINUE! Dave and I worked out Friday. And without Nicole, we put ourselves through a weight workout and even did 2 self-imposed sets of stairs (Oh Lord--I hate stairs...).
My goal for the twelve weeks wasn't a weight. It was a lifestyle. My goal is to continue 5 days a week. I'm also planning on buying a couple nice bicycles for Sandra & I to add to a more active lifestyle.
- To the Y for this opportunity; for their staff that is kind and encouraging.
- Nicole: she will never fully know what she's done to--er um, for me ;-)
- Dave & Chad: I could NOT have done this without Hombres!
- Sandra: constant encourager and the co-conspirator of this experience.
- Sandy, Lisa, Trish and the host of encouragers in the gym.
- You: for reading, caring, praying etc. We are all in this together.
- God: He is the Giver & Orchestrator of all good things & this has been exceedingly good indeed!
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