Saturday, June 30, 2012

Caught Having Fun at Work

I was shooting John & Tammy's wedding a couple weeks ago when I caught my friend, Mark, having fun at work.

Look at that childlike cheese.

Pure joy.

Truly happy for them.

Thrilled to be part of it.

Thoroughly enjoying the moment.

In ministry there are things we have to do and then there are things we get to do. Marrying a great couple like this, is indeed a get to do.

When was the last time someone caught you having fun at work?

When did you last fight-off shooting liquid through your nose in the workplace?

When was the last time you tried to make someone's day at work?

If joy isn't native or natural to your workplace, maybe you could sneek in some contraband laughter.

When was the last time you were caught having fun at work?