Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the Ubiquitous Salsa Ringtone

(First of all I'm noticing the ubiquitous use of "ubiquitous" lately, but I digress before I've even started.)

I think it's amusing how many people are using the ol' "Cuban-salsa" ring tone these days---you know, the one that sounds like you just walked into a Mexican cantina?

When I'm out in public and hear the muffled salsa rhythm emanating from a purse or pocket--and then observe the frantic owner grab it to turn it off. The look on their face seems to be surprised or annoyed that the salsa ring tone played. Something like, "What?! How did that get on there?!"

I want to lean over and say, "It probably seemed like a good idea when you were flipping through your ring tones last night in your living room. But it plays a little differently out here in the real world, don't you think?"

Just for the record, I've gone with no ring tone; just the "vibrate" ring mode. So call me often ;-)