Tuesday, March 30, 2010

book: The Truth About You

I'm only 1 chapter into this book/DVD/exercises combination by Marcus Buckingham and it's already an A+. (I'm reading it with our Oakbrook Proteges.)

This is the primary guy behind the "Strengths Movement"--the idea that we'll grow more and contribute more to any organization if we're focusing on our strengths vs. trying to trying to develop a weakness.

I read his book, GO Put Your Strengths to Work; and I'll admit, his books are a read and one can get mired down in them.

The Truth About You is stripped down, (109 pgs) boiled down, easy to comprehend and integrate with the DVD and exercises in the book. It's based on 5 pieces of advice he wished he'd been given:

1. Performance is always the point. So don't expect your organization to know you like you do.

2. Your strengths aren't what you're good at, & your weaknesses aren't what you're bad at. So you'd better find out what your real strengths are.

3. When it comes to your job, the "What" always trumps the "Why" & the "Who." So always ask: "What will I be paid to do?"

4. You'll never find the perfect job. So every week, for the rest of your life, write your Strong Week Plan.

5. You'll never turn your weaknesses into strengths. So fess up to your weaknesses, then neutralize them.

This book is for everyone wanting to make a difference with their one & only life!
You can get it in Kokomo at LakesideCafe&Books or at Amazon.