Saturday, March 13, 2010

Journaling at Starbucks

Journaling can be a lot of things: therapy, venting, inventorying, praying, searching, safety, etc. Friday morning I fell into a happy exercise.

I wrote at the top of the page, "What's working, or simply 'good?'" (in my life right now). I ended up writing 11 things and a short paragraph about each one.

Then I wrote down, "Learnings." I went back and read through the list of things that are working. I wrote down 7 things based on what was working.

Some were intangible, like an unrealistic expectation I need to let go of. Some were tangible, like practices that I should pursue since I could see how they led to positive results.

Here's one of my learnings: "Coaching is fun and rewarding. I'm a better 1-on-1 coach than I am a small group leader. Look for life-giving 1-on-1's."

It was a good exercise. Making myself list the good things is good for my soul and good to help me live in the thankful. If I can integrate some of the learnings, then positive things will be less about chance and more about intentionality.

Give it a try.